Recent Wacky Weather our New Normal, Local Scientist Says

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Jacksonville, FL – Tuesday was a balmy fall day in northeast Florida, with temperatures in the low ‘80s and a warm breeze throughout the afternoon.  But before the local evening news was over, temperatures had dropped by 40 degrees or … Continued


Manatees No Longer Endangered, Feds Say

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When Quint White came to Jacksonville University to teach marine biology nearly three decades ago, he was certain he manatees were on their way to extinction. Now, thanks to federal protection, the population is up by 500%.  This has prompted … Continued


Port Problems in Jax and Miami Put Army Corps in Hot Seat

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Jacksonville and Miami, FL –The federal agency charged with studying and planning for dredging in the nation’s ports has faced problems in two of Florida’s biggest ports.  The Army Corps of Engineers just wound up a two-year dredging project at … Continued


To Dredge or Not to Dredge? Heated Town Hall Meeting at UNF

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Jacksonville, FL —  Academics, environmentalists, business and government were all represented at a town hall meeting held March 9 at the University of North Florida.  Each had the chance to present their view on the proposed dredging of Jacksonville’s port … Continued
